Category: Lifestyle

FAQs About Your Local Anaheim Recreational Marijuana Delivery Service

There’s no doubt about the fact that Californians like their weed. This is true up and down the state, but it especially applies to Anaheim. Residents of this city just outside of L.A. seem to love their ganja, so much that they are having it delivered right to their doorsteps. These days, you can have […]

How Tatiana Kukanova Manages a Multi-Cultural Relationship

After college, my friend Tatiana Kukanova and I decided to spend some time traveling around Mexico. Prior to leaving, we had one rule between us, and that was that neither of us would fall in love with a Mexican and fail to come home. That pact was, of course, a joke, yet neither I nor […]

Make Your Own Beauty Products

Sitting alone in your home all day and doing nothing? Try these 5 DIY Beauty Hacks You Can Do from Home! 1. Green Tea Bags The simplest DIY beauty trick from home is definitely the usage of Green Tea Bags which is definitely perfect to be used as a simple face-mask or eye-mask, depends on […]

Most Livable Cities to Attend Universities in USA

USA has few of the best Universities to attend to, yet many of them are actually placed in only few of the many states in the US. Combined with data’s collected in 2019 on Most Livable Cities in America by Livability (a website specializing in highlighting the appeal from small to mid-sized city in the […]

Improving Your Fitness Actually Improves Every Aspects of Your Life

Some people have their own reasons on why they want to live healthy and fit, some might find it hard to have any reason why they should start to live healthy or fit. If you’re starting to think on hit the gym but not yet sure why you should do it, these might be a […]