Can a Hit and Run Accident Change Your Future?
Being in a hit and run accident can be one of the scarier things an individual ends up going through.
With that thought in mind, how could such an accident you end up in change your life driving forward?
From the potential of serious injuries to costs and more, how would you handle such a matter?
Your Health and Safety Always Come First
When you have unfortunately been part of a hit and run accident, hone in on the following:
1. Health and safety – Making sure you are healthy and have not suffered serious injuries is key. If you were lucky, you got out of the accident with minor injuries. Better yet would be if you suffered no injuries at all. If no medical personnel show up at the accident and you are able to get to your doctor or urgent care, get checked out. There is always the possibility you suffered one or more injuries and are not aware of it at the time. This could be things like a concussion, internal bleeding and more. While a vehicle can always be replaced, keep in mind you can’t be.
2. Finding the driver – While you never want to take the law into your own hands, it is important to find the other driver. That said you can turn to the Internet in this quest. If you or someone else at the scene got the license plate info of the other vehicle, get online at first chance. You can proceed to look up the license plate of that vehicle. It could lead you to pertinent info as it relates to the other vehicle. Make sure any such info you come up with is turned over to the appropriate authorities. This will help them when it comes to their investigation. The same is true with your auto insurance company. If anyone at the scene caught the other driver on their cell phone, the hope is that person or persons stopped. You would want them to share their details with you. You can also look to see if any local businesses that may be around the scene have outdoor video cameras. They may also have caught something important for the police to investigate.
3. Your vehicle moving forward – Depending on the accident, your vehicle may or may not be in good shape. So, you will need to determine if your car or truck is good to go. Of most importance of course is that the vehicle will be safe to drive as you move ahead. You do not want to be driving a vehicle that is not fit for the road. If you do need to buy another auto, the hope is the insurance companies involved work to help you. That is to make and collect on any claims for damages and so on. The last thing you need after a hit and run is any added mental anguish.
When in such an accident, focus on your well-being and anyone with you at the time first and then drive forward.