BCFS Health and Human Services Offers Mobile Care Services for Expecting and Current Mothers

At BCFS Health and Human Services, we provide an array of capabilities to communities throughout the United States and the world. These include helping adults with disabilities, foster care youth, low-income families, people in crisis, orphaned children, victims of domestic violence, expectant mothers, and other groups experiencing financial, emotional, or other hardship.

One of our nationally recognized programs is called “Healthy Start.” It’s a program offering medical care and case management for expecting women or those raising a child that is 18 months old or younger. The goal of this program is to help families with their basic health needs, so they can properly care for their children.

Our program is designed to reduce the incidence of infant mortality and prevent child abuse outcomes by ensuring families have access to the right nutrition and have stable housing that’s suitable for raising a small child. 

Healthy Start operates in several areas and offers much-needed aid to mothers who are facing multiple barriers that prevent them from accessing pre- and post-natal care.

We provide several services through Healthy Start including pregnancy tests, free “well woman” exams, lab and pharmacy services, pediatric care, parent education classes and materials, registration for programs such as Medicaid and CHIP, employment services, and case management. 

To expand access to our Healthy Start program within the Tyler, Texas area, we launched a mobile medical unit. This full-service mobile unit allows us to meet people with limited mobility or lacking transportation access and provide them with many of the medical services mothers require both during and after pregnancy.

The medical unit has undergone several improvements and redesigns since its launch, which are intended to better promote the program and more effectively serve the mothers who require care. By increasing access to care, we are following our philosophy of engaging with our local communities and building trust between our organization and the people we serve every day.